Friday, April 9, 2010

Daddy's Mini Me

If my son doesn't grow up and become a cop, I will be completely shocked. You see, he so wants to be just like daddy. He loves to play cops and anything to do surrounding cops. I can't count the number of cop-related toys we have at our house. Thankfully, the dollar store carries all that stuff for, yeah, a dollar! I can't count the number of toy guns, handcuffs and badges we own. 

When our son was three, his Christmas gift was his very own squad car. Yes, he has a squad car. It was my husband's brain child. He starting thinking about it and talking to people. We ended up buying one of those motorized Mustangs, hubby painted it black and white, had the guy who builds their department squads trick it out with lights (red and blue flashing in the back, white flashing in the front/mirrors - no siren, thank god) and decaled it with police logos. Yep, the kid has a squad car. Now, of course, you are able to buy one at the store already a police car, but three years ago, it was pretty cool. And, it still is pretty cool. Both my kids still ride around and play with it.

It's hysterical when he goes to play cops. He gets his duty belt (yes, husband made one for him out of an old duty belt of his), loads it up complete with plastic gun, radio, handcuffs and mag light and out the door he flies to fight crime (aka the other boys in the neighborhood) and many times he takes his stuffed dog (his K9) out with him to ride in the seat next to him (or sometimes it's his sister who becomes the K9; and no, it's not torture, she loves to be the K9 - that's a whole other story!). Dear son is quite talented as he has mastered the art of the police siren that sounds so real, sometimes you have to do a double take. So, out he goes, jumps in his car and starts wailing like a siren.

He also LOVES to dress up. I finally came to the realization that is a direct reflection of him wanting to be like daddy. You see, when hubby goes to work, he dresses all nice in his uniform and puts on his work books. My son's favorite thing to wear (if he knows we're going out somewhere) is nice pants, button down shirt (which he buttons all the way to the top; I know, I know, we try and he pitches a fit if he doesn't have ALL the buttons buttoned), shirt tucked in (again, I know, we do our best) and boots. Just like when daddy goes to work.

I'm fine with his fascination of daddy and think it's incredibly adorable of his desire to be just like dad. But, as a mother, I dread the day he may actually become a cop. I can handle husband being a cop. He's a damn good one and loves it! But, being a cop has its downsides in terms of the horrific sides of human nature that they deal with on a daily basis and the toll that does take on them. Things I want to protect my children from, not have them exposed to.

I know my son will be wonderful at anything he does and I will support whatever decisions he makes in life. But, for now, I'm OK with him just pretending to be a cop.

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