Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Wal-Mart Break-Up

Seriously, this is a true story that happened a few months back because you really cannot make this shit up! There is a reason an entire website is devoted to - and if you've never visited the site prepare to laugh your ass off!

What is it about Wally World (aka Wal-Mart) that brings out the crazies? When you're having a bad day, just take a trip to Wally World and guarantee you will walk out feeling so much better about yourself. A neighbor of mine visits Wally World on Friday nights as a recreational activity just to people watch and oh yes, he's seen quite a bit.

On this particular trip, I was just milling the jam packed (why is that???) aisles searching for nothing in particular. I decided to swing through electronics and look at the Wii and Nintendo DS games. This is where it got really interesting. As I'm minding my business walking through, I notice a couple in deep conversation. In the gaming aisle. The kids were standing there playing the display Xbox or Wii console and there they were talking to each other somewhat quietly. The body language told me I wanted to hear what was going on.

So, I'm milling, passing by "pretending" to be looking at the games near them. And, he's breaking up with her. In the middle of Wal-Mart. She's trying desparately not to let the waterworks begin and he's stating "I can't do this anymore. It's not working. I'm moving out." She's got the look of complete shock. Well, I'd be shocked too if a leisurely weekend trip to Wally World ended in the demise of my relationship in the gaming aisle!

I fought the desparate urge to whip out my phone, take a picture and post to facebook with the caption "Wal-Mart break up." I so wanted to stay and hear more of this conversation and see where it would go. But, I'm afraid it may have become obvious that my little ears were enjoying this conversation by the way I stood staring at the same games. I left electronics and preceded to check out smiling, thinking, did that really just happen? Yes, yes it did.

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